Our goal

is to provide small and medium-sized companies with a global smart cross border eshop solution without the need for programmers at an affordable price.

“You can buy people with ideas a dozen for a dollar. But those who make them happen are priceless.”
Richard Branson

Why król.shop

A growing opportunity

król.shop is building a global multi-storefront ecommerce platform along with a growing set of tools and capabilities that enable merchants of all sizes to sell to anyone, anywhere.

World class product

The król.shop platform, which supports constant innovation and rapid technological changes in the store, is designed for simplicity and scalability.

All in one

król.shop is building a global multi-storefront ecommerce platform along with a growing set of tools and capabilities that enable merchants of all sizes to sell to anyone, anywhere.

Mission controlled

The król.shop platform, which supports constant innovation and rapid technological changes in the store, is designed for simplicity and scalability.