Basic Eshop Settings

We have prepared a guide for you that will guide you step by step through the initial setup of the e-shop in the administration of the platform. You will get to know the system better, you will learn to work in it and you will not have to look for a solution to your basic settings, which you will have to go through and know before launching your e-shop and before starting internet sales.

1/ Administration

The administration of your e-shop includes a left side menu where you can find everything important for you. From basic overviews, through orders, products, categories, customers, marketing, statistics, e-shop links, file manager, page elements and general settings to the ability to edit your user data. Individual modules also have their own submodules, which we will introduce in more detail in the next sections.

  • Login to the administration

  • Basic description of individual elements

  • Complete overview of the administration